[slideshow_deploy id=’6681′] The buzzword for the world of development in the 21st century is “Young People.” But there are serious…
Dr. Lindsey Doe debunks myths around disability and sexuality, at once carving out space for affirming and inclusive discussions and challenging negative and harmful stereotypes. Emphasising the sexuality of people with disabilities as rich and diverse, Lindsey wonders what inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights really mean.
“Badass Indian Pinups” – a series of paintings by Indo-Canadian artist Nimisha Bhanot shows Indian women breaking traditional stereotypes. Women…
In the middle of such tightness around who can marry whom, where and how one can marry, and what kind of marriages are given social and legal sanction, we came across the story of Madhuri Sarode, a transwoman, transgender rights activist and classical dancer, and Jay Sharma, a machine operator in a steel goods manufacturing unit, who married each other in December last year.
[slideshow_deploy id=’6698′] The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have not always been easy to understand. In this set of posters the…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1470′] In India, we are constantly confronted by images of what Indian women should be. Goddess on walls portray…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1470′] In India, we are constantly confronted by images of what Indian women should be. Goddess on walls portray…
Stencil art on the streets of Yogyakarta to voice rights to safe abortion for women in Indonesia.
Recurring themes of women and loneliness occur in the illustrations of Idalia Candelas. Her drawings are a mix of ink,…
All this online dating activity must surely produce amusing stories. It was with this thought that Mumbai-based writer and illustrator Indu Kumar set about her art project #100IndianTinderTales.
Theme: Relationship With Self Through this work of art, I want to depict the relationship of our self with the mirror…
The painting depicts a woman with a television set in place of her reproductive organs who is also…
“I don’t always remember that I’m nearing thirty. On an average day the thought that I have a ticking time-bomb…
[slideshow_deploy id=’5400′] TULIR uses these posters in their advocacy work to prevent sexual violence against children. These posters address children…