Safe Abortion
In Sri Lanka, abortion is only permitted in cases where pregnancy or childbirth is life-threatening for the woman. Nevertheless the number of reported daily abortions taking place in Sri Lanka is more than 750.
Founded in 2007, the Museum for Contraception and Abortion, in Vienna, Austria, is the world’s most thorough collection of the different methods and objects humans have used to prevent the birth of other humans.
Dr Suchitra Dalvie best known for her strong pro-choice views and her unflinching support for safe abortion, is also a blogger and a book lover, with deep insights into feminism and women’s rights.
China’s family-planning policy was first introduced in the late 1970s to rein in the surging population by limiting most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two children, if the first child born was a girl.
India has a very liberal abortion law on paper. Compared with global standards, the Indian law that governs abortions, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, allows for abortion for a broad range of indications, making it a very progressive law that has been around for more than four decades. But how many of us really know this?
To write about safe abortion, I picture what the best-case scenario is for someone seeking a safe abortion in Lebanon.
To their neighbours, as to themselves, Frank and April Wheeler are ‘special’.
Every year more than 15,000 women die because of post partum haemorrhage and every day 10 women die because of unsafe abortion in Pakistan. If you know a woman who does not have access to hospital at the time of delivery or who wants to access safe abortion, then contact on the number provided.
Whenever I represent Nepal as a youth delegate in any conference or workshop, I always share the great achievement Nepal’s government made in women’s health, i.e. legalising abortion. For many years, women in Nepal had experienced strictest abortion laws in the world.
Stencil art on the streets of Yogyakarta to voice rights to safe abortion for women in Indonesia.
This month we bring a range of contributions on the issue of Safe Abortion from activists working at the grassroots for the sexual and reproductive rights of women to have access to safe abortion.
Women on Waves sails to countries where abortion is illegal, at the invitation of local women’s organisations.
गर्भपात और मादा भ्रूण के चयनात्मक गर्भपात के बीच का जटिल संबंध, एक दुविधा है, जिससे भारतीय महिला आंदोलन सन् 1980 के अंतिम वर्षों से जूझ रहा है।