Jasmine George
“अगर आप उसपर हँस सकते हैं तो सब कुछ मज़ाकिया है।” – लुईस कैरोल लुईस कैरोल को अधिकार-आधारित परिप्रेक्ष्य वाला…
“Everything is funny, if you can laugh at it.” – Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll can be said to have a…
One gets introduced to feminism through various modes: through books, through university courses, through parents and sometimes one does not…
The Hollywood rendition of the Geisha world, with Edward Said’s Orientalism [1] thrown in, reminds us of a simple fact: things…
Sex toys are an exception to the basic understanding of toys. First of all, these toys are generally used by…
JG: As a founder member of The Alternative Law Forum (ALF) you have engaged with conventional law and at the…
Rituparna Borah, a queer feminist activist, and a member of Nirantar, Centre for Gender and Education, India sat down with Jasmine George…
Theme: Relationship With Self Through this work of art, I want to depict the relationship of our self with the mirror…