Abdullah Erikat
They lay eyes on him, they see a body out of the gym. A black, thick beard, in a need…
हमें ख़ुद को यह याद दिलाना ज़रूरी है कि हराम और आएब को पितृसत्ता की वैश्विक प्रकोप से बढ़ावा मिलता है। वे एक ऐसी क़ैदी संस्था, बाध्यकारी बुनियादी ढाँचे और प्रतिबंधक प्रणाली का हिस्सा हैं जो अपनी प्रजा की स्वतंत्र पहचान और खुली अभिव्यक्ति को नियंत्रण मैं रखते हुए अपनी व्यापकता को बनाए रखता है।
It’s technology that has allowed me, amidst the lockdown, to connect with so many people and I dare say, sext and share photos. It’s technology that has allowed me and many others access to things like porn, fetish websites, and to buy sex toys and so much more without leaving our beds!
We need to disturb the institutionalised infrastructure and skew power dynamics even when it comes to something as complex as pleasure. Being aware of our language and the practices of our sexuality and denuding them of socially imbibed constructions will open up a safe space for discussing the diversity of our sexual behaviour.
This malignancy of toxic masculinity is a mutant inheritance that is hard to eradicate. However, initiating discussions about it and spreading awareness is essential to minimise the cost to its victims.
Marking the genitalia as ‘private’ is somehow expected of parents who want to make sure that their kids don’t allow predators in. However, this duty should be followed at the right time with a conversation about sex, which will open the door to speaking about sexuality
“It’s fascinating Yasmina, but also scary how sex or sexualising something can be ignited from our need for beauty that probably stirs positive emotions that we consider beautiful, such as feeling pleasure. But you know as well, desiring what we think is beautiful can generate fluidity: I can never know what I am exactly. All I know is that I was with men, and I was with women, and all of them tickled something within me. “
“I’m afraid because I bring to bed more than just one soul of a scared conflicted boy. I’m bringing to bed a whole army that not only runs the streets within me but also spills out over my body and the body of the boy next to me.”
It’s sad that we think we own our bodies: the bodies we love, the bodies we hate, the bodies we…