Young People
आख़िरकार, व्यापक यौनिकता शिक्षा का मतलब सिर्फ़ ज्ञान देना ही नहीं है। हम ऐसे सक्षम शिक्षक चाहते हैं जो हमारे यौन अनुभवों को संबोधित करने के लिए कला, नृत्य, संगीत, रंगमंच जैसे कई तरीक़ों को शामिल करते हैं और हमें आगे जाकर ऐसे अनुभवों के लिए तैयार करते हैं।
चूँकि दुनिया हाशिये में जीने वाले लोगों के प्रति इतनी प्रतिकूल रही है, इसलिए वे लोग हमेशा से, हर जगह ‘सुरक्षित स्थान’ बनाने की कोशिश करते आ रहे हैं।
Safe spaces in the way that they often circulate are depoliticised and the assumption is that there won’t be any conflicts, but there can be no safe space without an exchange of ideas, which will create some bad feelings leading to conflict.
Of course, I knew I wasn’t the only person in the world writing about Sherlock Holmes. I, however, thought I was the only one in the world writing about them like that. You know.
While there is an oversaturation of information on sexuality, accurate, inclusive and affirming information is few and far between. Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) offers us multiple pathways to address these dilemmas.
After all, comprehensive sexuality education is also not just about knowledge giving. We want experiential educators who include the modalities of art, dance, music, theatre, etc., to address our lived sexual experiences.
We requested some sexuality educators to speak on some of the priorities they identify, and also to share directions towards possible ways that could move us forward together in the Comprehensive Sexuality Education landscape, keeping in mind that there are many different constituencies and interest groups involved.
“It’s rather unfortunate that our educational institutions and systems are so reluctant to understand, or they simply ignore, the importance of providing our youth with CSE that can help erase the shame and crippling self-doubt around sexuality, bodies, reproductive rights and wellness.
Waxing my body for the first time last year to have silky skin like the women on Veet’s box but ended up with rashes instead.
While sex workers face repeated harassment by the police, many young couples face threats in a one-off incident if the police finds them with their partner/lover. They may face police surveillance of expressions of intimacy and affection in public.
Both rejections and affirmations of the couple are skewered on this doubleness: It is the fullest expression of love and proximity available to us, and it bears all the insufficiencies of present social relations. Monogamous romantic commitment, like infallible lifelong attraction to only men or only women, is surely a minority tendency expediently elevated to a general social principle.
There may already be another organisation in the community to share resources with but for community-led initiatives, a shared perspective on Safe, Inclusive, Sexuality-Affirming (SISA) spaces is also important. Sometimes when the shared perspective is not there, that becomes a challenge.
As we grow older, moral codes, conventions of appropriateness and shame, and the utilitarian and income-focused education we get make us lose that stability. The idea of play to me is about bringing back that ability and comfort into the lives of people so that they can actually play.
Of course, I knew I wasn’t the only person in the world writing about Sherlock Holmes. I, however, thought I was the only one in the world writing about them like that. You know.
It’s technology that has allowed me, amidst the lockdown, to connect with so many people and I dare say, sext and share photos. It’s technology that has allowed me and many others access to things like porn, fetish websites, and to buy sex toys and so much more without leaving our beds!