Sonia Dhawan
इंटरव्यू — मंजुला प्रदीप
मंजुला प्रदीप एक वकील हैं और नवसरजन ट्रस्ट की कार्यकारी निदेशक रह चुकी हैं। नवसरजन ट्रस्ट जमीनी स्तर पर दलितों…
By Sonia Dhawan
April 21, 2020
The United States of Indian-Americans
It is very easy to fall into the trap of believing that the survival of the larger group is more important than the rights of an individual. This is especially true in diasporic communities, where people are constantly struggling to keep their cultural identities intact while simultaneously assimilating to the majority culture just enough to survive.
By Sonia Dhawan
July 15, 2017
Queer Pride in India: Creating Space for Intersectional Queer Identities and Other Marginalised Voices?
There are many ways to be queer. Apart from the fact that queerness encompasses a wide variety of sexual expression,…
By Sonia Dhawan
Interview: Manjula Pradeep
Manjula Pradeep is a lawyer and former Executive Director of the Navsarjan Trust, a grassroots organisation working to empower Dalits…
By Sonia Dhawan
October 3, 2017