Buddha Mil Gaya… Why Does the Thought of Old People With Sex Lives Make Us Cringe?
What is unconventional about the depiction of this love, among all the others that have been spoon fed to us via Bollywood, is that this romance between two older people – Nafisa Ali and Dharmendra – is not about stealing the odd glance and simply holding hands.
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Lovers as plants in a kitchen garden
“Life’s too small without freshly cut coriander
Generously sprinkled on kadhai chicken.
Mint leaves blitzing their way with tomatoes
Ripe from the vine to the fingers dripping chutney –
Fragrances of earth between all this concrete.”
By Lavanya Arora
July 17, 2023
On the day my lover would die
I would once again be theirs, in memory, on the day my lover would die.
By Sara Haque
April 18, 2024