So why do we have to have fixed notions of gender roles and food?
Food unites, but as we are sadly witnessing, it also divides. What people eat and how they eat it is related in many ways to class, caste, purchasing power, and other factors of social currency and control.
Indian films have for long fed into as well as mirrored social and cultural practices. Many of them depict a woman as being restricted to the kitchen and serving delicacies during festivities.
This art collection bears the evocative title “Aching Palates”. Within its realm, each artwork embodies an emblematic act that accompanies…
Through the rituals of cooking, prayers and sharing our complaints of menstruating, we came together to give space and hold space for each other.
Paan is not only the bearer of stories but a medium through which these stories were told. And each ingredient that goes into the making of a paan has its own narrative.
The short-lived thinness had left me before I knew it. I became fat, and thereby undesirable, once again. A chasm appeared in my relationship with my body. Its ways of responding had become strange. My form became unfamiliar to me, and to those around me.
Bakasura Chicken Tikka Roll. 100% Wholesome. Made for Real Men. In the home delivery menu card of a local restaurant,…