Vizla Kumaresan
Intersections between Mental Health and Human Rights: The case of transwomen and transmen in Malaysia
Last week, I was at The Third International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia organised…
By Vizla Kumaresan
Exploring the Rape Fantasy
I am a feminist, sex-positive and LGBT affirmative Clinical Psychologist. Having that openly and publicly stated means that my clients feel very safe discussing some of the more taboo topics, especially ones that we are made to feel ashamed of. One of these is the topic of the rape fantasy.
By Vizla Kumaresan
August 1, 2018
Sexuality, Choice and ‘Crazy Rich Asians’
Kwan’s ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ does not just highlight the lifestyle of the segment of Singaporean society that is unimaginable and unattainable to most people, it amplifies that heterosexuality is often not a choice.
By Vizla Kumaresan
March 5, 2019