Gunjan Sharma
Hello?! Every Body in the R(/Z)oom?
Now, what you need is a good enough smartphone and sufficient data – these are the real “superstar” in the love affair between Big Tech and CSE.
By Gunjan Sharma
December 18, 2023
Keep it Light
I tell them to laugh freely but question as much too. This gives them a sense of sheer relief to be able to ask, talk, question, because, even if it is ‘really bad’, after all, it’s being said in ‘lightness, is it not?
By Gunjan Sharma
May 17, 2023
हलके में (मत) लेना
व्यंग छुपी हुई हंसी को बाहर लाने का अवसर देता है। प्रतिभागी जो आज तक इन मुद्दों को गंदा, कलंकित या महत्वहीन मान कर छुपा रहे हैं अब कम से कम उनपर हंस सकते हैं।
By Gunjan Sharma
May 4, 2023