The Role of Digital Platforms as Workplaces: Sexual Expression and Harassment in the Virtual Realm
Moving from the broader implications of the digital workspace it is essential to discuss specifically how these platforms influence the exploration of sexual identity.
By Yash Singh Sisodiya
Editorial: Data and Sexuality
While we are struggling with the vicissitudes brought on by the pandemic we are also forced to spend more time online, to look for resources in terms of health care or caregivers, to reach out to people and build a communities of care, to take a break, or to try and hook-up online for a while.
May 15, 2021
Probing the Screen: Pleasure in the Virtual World
The virtual world allows me to challenge the hold of patriarchy on my ‘effeminate’ body; in a sense, it allows me to evade the policing of desire that my body shares with another, its flows and slippages, the messy and the unkempt.
By Neel
August 14, 2020