Mahika Banerji
A Vicious Cycle – Forced to Stand Still and Then Feel Bad About It
On a larger scale, my non-normative sexuality is confined to tiny spaces, influenced by fear of impending violence, rejection and revulsion, even when one is privileged enough to live in a metropolitan city.
By Mahika Banerji
जब सेक्स के साथ जुड़े कलंक के कारण महिलाओं को कामकाजी होने का दर्जा नहीं मिलता
वर्किंग वुमन या ‘कामकाजी महिला’ शब्द सुनने पर, सबसे पहले हमारे मन में क्या विचार आता है? यही न कि…
By Mahika Banerji
When The Stigma Attached to Sex Deprives Women of Worker Status
This stigma of caste, class and sexuality is a pervasive amalgamation of socio-cultural mindsets that take root and function in myriad complex ways, and paint working women in broad, sweeping, agency-less brush strokes.
By Mahika Banerji