Shubha Kayastha and Indu Nepal
छोटी उम्र में ‘प्रेम विवाह’ – इंटरनेट प्रयोग के दुष्प्रभाव
नेपाल में छोटी उम्र में विवाह हो जाने का प्रचलन है। यूनिसेफ़ की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक नेपाल में 37% लड़कियों…
By Shubha Kayastha and Indu Nepal
August 27, 2019
Early ‘Love Marriage’ and the Big, Bad Internet
In fact, the Internet actually allows adolescents access to a wide range of information including on sexual health. A 2015 study by Marie Stopes International[2] (an organisation that provides contraception and safe abortion services) found that the main source of information on sexual health among adolescents is the Internet.
By Shubha Kayastha and Indu Nepal
June 1, 2017