Walks, Braids, Miranda, and Memories
This was the time we were growing up, learning new things, reading new books and discovering something new almost every day, and this all-women space provided an opportunity to do that without requiring any pretence or catering to the male gaze.
By Ambica Naithani
November 15, 2022
The Sisterhood of Sexuality
“Order me one too,” a friend said as I secretly purchased a vibrator online during a class so boring, I…
By Aakriti
February 1, 2018
In the Bonobo World, Female Camaraderie Prevails
Suddenly, three older, high-ranking female bonobos bolted up from below, a furious blur of black fur and swinging limbs and, together with the female in estrus, flew straight for the offending males. The males scattered. The females pursued them. Tree boughs bounced and cracked. Screams on all sides grew deafening.
By Curated Content
April 18, 2017