Sexual Rights
घरेलु हिंसा विषय पर काम कर रही एक नारीवादी संस्था के साथ सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता के रूप में अपने करियर के…
यौनिक अधिकार यौनिक अधिकार मानव अधिकारों के मूलभूत तत्व हैं। इनमें आनंदमय यौनिकता को अनुभव करने का अधिकार शामिल है,…
Working as a sexuality rights activist in a repressive environment can take a huge toll on people’s wellbeing. It is therefore important that we as social workers, activists, advocates and everyone else involved in this work take care, take care of ourselves and each other, be supportive, give that extra push to someone who needs it, and allow ourselves to make mistakes.
[slideshow_deploy id=’1470′] In India, we are constantly confronted by images of what Indian women should be. Goddess on walls portray…
Greetings from TARSHI! We are very pleased to bring to you the first issue of In Plainspeak, our new monthly…
Sexual rights include the right to express one’s sexuality freely, without discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, and to have access to provisions in the legal framework that are all-inclusive and offer protection whenever the need arises.
I’ve been a sex worker for over 20 years. I’m a migrant sex worker based in Sydney, Australia but have…
Parents and significant adults in the lives of the Neelams of the world have been programmed to see age-appropriate sexual behaviour through the very narrow lens of “problems and disorders”. Their engagement of professionals like myself is mostly restricted to seeking to curb in the Neelams what is natural and joyous.
Choices in the sexual area should remain personal while maintaining the dignity and the rights of all people who must be able to make fully informed choices in this area. It is the duty of the state to provide the education and information to its people in this area but not intrude into their personal choices.
“Disabled people are treated like children,” says Nidhi Goyal, founder director of the NGO Rising Flame, a disability rights activist and comedian. This identification makes the non-disabled — a term Goyal prefers using — feel entitled to decide for them.
I tell them to laugh freely but question as much too. This gives them a sense of sheer relief to be able to ask, talk, question, because, even if it is ‘really bad’, after all, it’s being said in ‘lightness, is it not?
It may be useful to visualise sexual rights as a large tree with deep roots and a vast canopy of leaves. Or as a giant umbrella. Or a big tent. Whatever tickles your imagination and allows you to see it as a conceptual and practical tool to make claims for any aspect that relates to how we express sexuality.
It may be useful to visualize sexual rights as a large tree with deep roots and a vast canopy of…
It may be useful to visualize sexual rights as a large tree with deep roots and a vast canopy of…