My identity unfolded slowly during my postgraduate media studies course, where I was exposed to peers from different socio-economic backgrounds.
Like failure, longing is not interested in happy endings – whether of straight or non-heterosexual relations.
Parenting is an odd space. It comes chock full of all kinds of normative strictures and regulations.
Queering is not about being queer but about doing queer – about going beyond binaries of gender and sexuality, questioning accepted perspectives, and challenging and upending normative ways of being in the world.
Queering transcends the confines of symmetry and is a way of looking, of breaking established meaning, of making new meaning, and of being and becoming that offers us the promise of fluidity, flux and freedom.
To queer something is to disrupt normative frameworks, to imagine and create new modes of being (Pirani & Daskalopoulou, 2022)….
Queering to me is thinking, being, living and loving outside societal norms.
Queerness is a free-flowing identity that embraces anyone, including young children, who step off the assigned binary path.
How did isolation work for those of us who are already quarantined in perpetuity by the cis-heteronormative gaze?
I am out. A postcard from a stranger that I imagine to be queer or trans*[1] or both tells me…
When the hunk of a football player kicks the football, it swerves towards the right and bounces off the goalpost…
Queering, as a theoretical and practical approach, has emerged as a powerful means of challenging and dismantling established politics, power…
If you’ve got a body, in which you’re going to negotiate this life, you have to know how it works.