I am single and successful in the city. My general health is under control. I can still pull off an all-nighter maybe once a quarter. My sexuality and desire have evolved and matured with my age. Heck, in my eyes, I am Mrs. Robinson. But the eye candy at the bar sees me as Miss Havisham.
Sashwati Banerjee is the Managing Director of Sesame Workshop in India. Ms. Banerjee leads the organisation in its mission to…
एक तो यह समझ नहीं आता की आखिर इसे मेनोपॉज़ क्यों कहते हैं? पॉज़ का मतलब तो यह होता है कि किसी चीज़ का कुछ समय के लिए रुकना और आप के चाहने पर दोबारा शुरू हो जाना। मेरे विचार से तो इसे मेनोस्टॉप कहा जाना चाहिए!
If we are to reimagine coupledom and sexuality, we need to expand and challenge our ideas about togetherness, romance, love, intimacy, desire, sex, attachment, and so on.
The In Plainspeak team decided to time travel and re-discover previously published articles that explore the multiple ways in which people find joy and pleasure in their sexualities.