Issue In Focus
काम और यौनिकता? इस तरह से देखें तो यह आपकी पूरी ज़िंदगी है।
आख़िरकार, व्यापक यौनिकता शिक्षा का मतलब सिर्फ़ ज्ञान देना ही नहीं है। हम ऐसे सक्षम शिक्षक चाहते हैं जो हमारे यौन अनुभवों को संबोधित करने के लिए कला, नृत्य, संगीत, रंगमंच जैसे कई तरीक़ों को शामिल करते हैं और हमें आगे जाकर ऐसे अनुभवों के लिए तैयार करते हैं।
किसी व्यस्क व्यक्ति द्वारा अपनी इच्छा से पैसों के भुगतान के बदले दी जाने वाली यौन सेवाओं को सेक्स वर्क (यौन कर्म या आम बोलचाल की भाषा में धंधा करना) कहते हैं। सेक्स वर्क की इस परिभाषा का कौन सा भाग ‘काम’ के बारे में हमारी सोच का उल्लंघन करता है? क्या पैसे के बदले दी जाने वाली सेवाएं? या फिर किसी व्यस्क व्यक्ति द्वारा पैसे के बदले दी जाने वाली सेवा? या, वयस्कों द्वारा आपसी सहमति से पैसे के बदले दी जाने वाली सेवा?
We need to expand the way we look at work, the workplace and the human being, understanding our approach to sexuality, society and each other.
We need to recognise that mental health stressors that queer people face are not because something is inherently wrong with them.
People looking for queer plots in Bollywood are sometimes disappointed, as the focus on marriage in many films seems to suggest that Bollywood is a conservative genre invested in sanctifying reproductive heteronormativity.
“Only that once again they broke the Love Laws. That lay down who should be loved. And how. And how…
The patriarchy is petrified of gender fluidity. Not only does the femininomenon threaten the modes of sex-based binaries, but it also undermines sexist hierarchies.
The inability to correctly identify, express and soothe (all three without exception, and in no particular order) inner vulnerabilities and imperfections is the weakest link between asserting masculinities and being able to properly live their full potential.
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” Leo Tolstoy The year 2014 as…
LGBT struggle must be an anti-caste struggle. This requires us to go beyond thinking of caste and sexuality as merely an intersecting point which may be occupied by some within LGBT identities.
How would we see the world really, if we were open to the idea that it is not purpose but play that drives us to seek companionship, be it an orchid seeking a pollinator or a human seeking another?
How would we see the world really, if we were open to the idea that it is not purpose but play that drives us to seek companionship, be it an orchid seeking a pollinator or a human seeking another?
After all, comprehensive sexuality education is also not just about knowledge giving. We want experiential educators who include the modalities of art, dance, music, theatre, etc., to address our lived sexual experiences.
As a teenager, I played tennis with friends, both male and female. Mostly we played with whoever was available to…